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如何标记您的安全设施 在开始工作之前,评估您的设施是否存在安全隐患至关重要。  · 2018年10月28日         根据OSHA和其他行业法规,一致和有效的标签对于防止工作场所伤害,代价高昂的停工,工人赔偿索赔和罚款至关重要。您应该在任何工作开始之前将安全放在首位,并使用有效的标志和标签传达危险和安全说明来实现此目的。 首先,对所有操作,设备和工作区域进行设施安全检查和评估。以下是符合一般行业合规要求的主要方面: 一般安全 每个工厂或仓库都有不同的需求和限制,但所有工作场所都需要安全的工作环境。您工厂或仓库中的每个人都必须了解每个标志传达的信息。OSHA有助于分解如何使用安全标志以及应该放置的位置。有关符合OSHA和ANSI标签和标志设计标准的指导,请下载OSHA安全标志最佳实践指南。 管道系统的识别 如果您的设施有管道系统,请通过标记所有管道和管道组件来保证人员安全并警告管道内容物的危险。清晰的标签还可以提高维护和关闭过程中的安全性和效率。使用管道标记最佳实践指南轻松满足ANSI / ASME A13.1标准的一般管道标记。 电气设备和安全 一年一度的电气安全要求出现在OSHA十大最常被提及的违规行为中。除OSHA的法规外,电气工作场所安全的行业标准是NFPA 70E。通过清楚标记所有控制面板和组件,防止电气危险造成伤害。显示额定电压,电弧闪光警告,电气间隙以及锁定/挂牌等重要安全程序。 由于每个工作场所都不同,您可能需要定制电子标志和识别标签。由于有关设备标签的各种规则,很难准确跟踪所需的内容。通过这个易于遵循的标签解决方案和相关法规列表,确定您需要装备控制面板和组件所需的耗材:控制面板标签指南。 应急准备 消除紧急情况下工人的风险。通过有效的规划和准备,确保您的工作场所为潜在灾难做好准备,以尽量减少公司损失 获取应急计划组成部分的细目,并为您的设施配备关键的紧急标志和标记。利用检查表评估您的设施需求,并了解OSHA要求的紧急行动计划(EAP)的要素。 危险化学品 工人需要了解并了解他们将要使用的任何化学危害。根据国际GHS系统,根据OSHA的首选标签方法,识别工作场所中存在的所有危险化学品并对其进行明确标识。了解GHS标签的组成部分以及如何制作符合要求的化学标签。 精益制造 通过实施精益生产工具(如5S系统),保持您的日常运营和工作空间的组织。使用我们的5S指南,通过设施组织提高工作效率。安装有效的视觉效果,使工作人员清楚准确地识别位置,设备,程序,危险,库存和工具。 地板标记 OSHA要求定期检查所有行走和工作表面,以确保它们保持清洁,安全和可接近(29 CFR 1910.22)。一致且清晰的标记有助于提高整体效率和安全性,尤其是在仓储环境中。通过地板标记产品增强安全性并改善订单,以指定工作区域,标记过道并向危险区域提醒人员。 标签放置和视觉解决方案 所有标志和标签应始终清晰可见且易读。正确的标签放置将支持这一点,并可以减少错误传达和潜在伤害的机会。有效贴标签:  
  • 将标签和标志放置在视线水平,以便从正常接近角度获得清晰的视野。
  • 颜色代码标签使其更容易识别远距离。
  • 安装地板标记以在难以标注的区域中传达消息。
  • 通过周到的寻路,提高安全意识和任何地方的导航。
通过定期进行设施安全检查以发现新的危险和条件来维护安全和合规性,并始终制定计划以减轻这些危险和条件。此外,确保标签保持完整,清晰和准确。 为确保持久的标签,请使用高质量的标签耗材,以满足各种恶劣的工业环境要求。这将为您节省持续的更换成本和总体底线。您还可以通过预制标签和标志立即增强安全性,这些标签和标志具有适用于大众行业应用的各种一般安全信息。      

Published on 2018-11-05 09:06


This document is written by felix Original published on 大董知识库 ,The copyright belongs to the author。

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2018-11-05 09:07
How to Label Your Facility for Safety Before beginning work, it’s crucial to evaluate your facility for safety hazards. How to Label Your Facility for Safety Before beginning work, it’s crucial to evaluate your facility for safety hazards. All Resources By MMH Staff · October 28, 2018 Consistent and effective labeling, in accordance with OSHA and other industry regulations, is essential to prevent workplace injuries, costly downtime, workers’ compensation claims, and fines. You can do this by making safety a priority before any work begins and communicating hazards and safety instructions with effective signs and labels. Start by conducting a facility safety inspection and evaluation of all operations, equipment, and work areas. Here are the main areas to address for general industry compliance: General Safety Every facility has different needs and limitations, but a safe work environment is a requirement for all workplaces. Everyone in your facility must understand the message each sign conveys. OSHA helps break down how safety signs should be used, and where they should be placed. For guidance on label and sign design standards in accordance with OSHA and ANSI, download the Best Practice Guide to OSHA Safety Signs. Identification of Piping Systems If your facility has a piping system, keep personnel safe and alert to hazards of a pipe’s contents by marking all pipes and piping components. Clear labeling can also increase safety and efficiency during maintenance and shut-off procedures. Easily meet ANSI/ASME A13.1 standards for general pipe marking with the Best Practice Guide to Pipe Marking. Electrical Equipment and Safety General electrical safety requirements show up on OSHA’s top 10 most frequently cited violations year after year. In addition to OSHA’s regulations, the industry standard to follow for electrical workplace safety is NFPA 70E. Prevent injury from electrical hazards by clearly labeling all control panels and components. Display voltage ratings, arc flash warnings, electrical clearances, and important safety procedures like lockout/tagout. Because each workplace is different, you may need the ability to customize electrical signs and identification labels. With the variety of rules about equipment labeling, it can be difficult to keep track of exactly what is required. Identify the supplies you’ll need to outfit your control panels and components with this easy to follow list of labeling solutions and related regulations: Guide to Control Panel Labeling. Emergency Preparedness Eliminate risk to workers in emergencies. Ensure your workplace is ready for a potential disaster with effective planning and preparation to minimize company losses. Get a breakdown of the components of emergency planning and equip your facility with key emergency signage and markings. Utilize checklists to assess your facility’s needs and understand the elements of an OSHA-required Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Hazardous Chemicals Workers need to know about and understand any chemical hazards they’ll be working with. Identify all hazardous chemicals present in the workplace and clearly label them in accordance with OSHA’s preferred labeling approach, based on the international GHS system. Understand the components of GHS Labeling and how to make a compliant chemical label. Lean Manufacturing Keep your day-to-day operations and workspaces organized by implementing lean manufacturing tools such as the 5S system. Use our guide to 5S to improve workplace efficiency through facility organization. Install effective visuals to give workers clear and accurate identification of locations, equipment, procedures, hazards, inventories, and tools. Floor Marking OSHA requires the periodic inspection of all walking and working surfaces to ensure they are kept clean, safe, and accessible (29 CFR 1910.22). Consistent and clear markings help improve overall efficiency and safety, especially in warehousing environments. Enhance safety and improve order with floor marking products to designate work zones, mark aisles, and alert personnel to hazardous areas. Label Placement and Visual Solutions All signs and labels should be clearly visible and legible at all times. Proper label placement will support this and can reduce chances of miscommunication and potential injury. For effective label placement: Place labels and signs at eye-level for a clear view from a normal angle of approach. Color-code labels to make them easier to recognize from long distances. Install floor marking to communicate messages in hard-to-label areas. Improve safety awareness and navigation anywhere with thoughtful wayfinding. Maintain safety and compliance by conducting periodic facility safety inspections to uncover new hazards and conditions, and always have a plan in place to mitigate them. Also, make sure labels remain intact, legible, and accurate. To ensure long-lasting labels, use high-quality labeling supplies that are engineered to endure a variety of harsh industrial environments. This will save you from ongoing replacement costs and your overall bottom line. You can also instantly enhance safety anywhere with premade labels and signs that feature a variety of general safety messages for popular industry applications.
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