
仓储与配送科学-2.4 Storage:“Dedicated”vs “Shared”

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茯苓 专家组 User from: 浙江省杭州市
2020-06-20 17:51

Unfortunately, shared storage also has some disadvantages. Most immediately, the locations of products will change over time as locations are emptied and restocked with other products. This means that workers cannot learn locations and so must be directed to locations by a warehouse management (software) system. Another disadvantage is that it becomes more time-consuming to put away newly received product because it has to be taken to more locations. There can be other, social complications as well. For example, imagine an order picker who has been directed to the other side of the warehouse to pull a product for a customer. That order picker may be tempted to pick the product from a more convenient location, thus creating discrepancies between book and physical inventory at two locations. For these reasons, shared storage requires greater software support and also more disciplined warehouse processes.



Shared storage is generally more complicated to manage because it introduces many possible trade-offs. In particular, one can manage the trade-off between space and time (labor) on an activity-by-activity basis. For example, one can retrieve product from the least-filled location (to empty and recycle that location as soon as possible) or from the most convenient location (to save labor). Similarly, one can replenish product to the most nearly empty location to fill that empty space or to the most convenient location to save labor time.



How much improvement in space utilization is possible with shared storage? Consider a product that is requested at a constant rate, as in our idealization of Figure 2.5. Suppose we hold two weeks supply of this product. If we store it in two locations of equal size and direct all order-picking to only one location then after one week, the first location will be emptied and available for reassignment. After the second week the second location will be emptied and available for reassignment. During the first week, the first location was half full on average and the second location was completely full, so that average space utilization was 75%. During the second week the second location was half-full, for an average space utilization of 50%, and the space utilization over the two weeks was 62.5%. More improvement is possible if a product is stored in more locations, though the improvement diminishes and, moreover, the practical problems of management increase.



More generally we can argue as follows. Assume for convenience that demand is constant, the SKU has been stored in k locations of identical size, and all picks are from a single active pick location until that location is exhausted. Then the inventory cycle may be imagined as consisting of k periods, each devoted to a particular pick location, as in Figure 2.6. The average space utilization in period i is


and the average utilization over all k periods is


Figure 2.7 shows how the space utilization of storing a SKU in more locations increases but with diminishing returns.


Interestingly, there is a slight sampling bias if one were to examine space utilization directly by taking a census within the warehouse. This is the subject of Exercise 2.7 and it suggests that you will tend to measure slightly smaller values than predicted by Expression 2.1.


In practice, a strategy of shared storage is typically used in the bulk storage areas, where most of the volume of product is held on pallets. Dedicated storage may be used in the most active picking areas, which are much smaller than the bulk storage. Thus one gets efficient use of most of the space (bulk storage) with labor benefits where it matters most (active picking areas).


There are also hybrid schemes in which regions are reserved for groups of SKUs, but locations are not reserved. For example, an aisle might be reserved for SKUs of one type or from one vendor, but within that aisle, space would be shared amongst the SKUs.


Figure 2.6: Use of k locations to hold product under a

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felix 超级管理员

This guy is lazy,Introduction has not been set

Problem dynamics

Release time
2020-06-14 12:57
Update time
2020-06-20 19:15
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