Manual handling
It is College Policy to:
- Ensure that staff and students are protected from the risk of injury through manual handling.
- Eliminate the need for hazardous manual handling where it is reasonably practicable to do so.
- Assess and reduce risk of injury arising from manual handling operations that cannot be avoided.
- Provide staff and students with appropriate information, instruction and training to achieve the above.
- Ensure that adequate local arrangements are in place to achieve compliance with the policy.
- Appoint one or more competent persons as manual handling assessors to oversee implementation of the policy*.
- Provide the appointed person(s) with the necessary time resources and support to carry out their role effectively.
- Ensure appropriate mechanical aids & equipment are available.
- Ensure information on safe lifting techniques is provided at induction of all new staff and students.
- Organise work under their control so as to minimise the need for manual handling.
- Identify hazardous manual hands tasks.
- Ensure that risk assessments of hazardous manual handling tasks are carried out and recorded when appropriate.
- Inform the Departmental Manual Handling Assessor of tasks requiring detailed assessment.
- Ensure that controls identified as necessary in risk assessments are used.
- Ensure staff and students receive information instruction and training appropriate to their likely involvement in manual handling tasks.
- Promoting best practice in manual handling.
- Maintaining awareness of hazardous manual handling activities within their department.
- Assisting managers and supervisors with detailed risk assessments if required.
- Assessing departmental needs for instruction or training in manual handling.
- Assisting in the investigation of manual handling accidents or near misses.
- Assisting with the provision of basic information, instruction and training to staff and students.
- Attend training and annual update sessions for manual handling assessors.
- Following guidelines and instruction provided.
- Participating in training as required.
- Informing their manager/ supervisor, when appropriate, if affected by an illness or injury which may impair their ability to handle loads safely.
- Informing their manager/supervisor of any injuries, accidents or near misses resulting from manual handling.
- Making use of any equipment provided, in accordance with their training and instruction.
- Advising on appropriate arrangements for managing manual handling operations.
- Organising training for manual handling.
- Auditing the management of manual handling in College.
- Reviewing the Policy and information produced in support of the policy.
- Assessing fitness of individuals for manual handling, as necessary.
- Facilitating provision of treatment and advising on rehabilitation into work after musculo-skeletal injury.
- Assisting with production of guidance on safe manual handling.
- Assisting with the provision of training in manual handling.
- Advising on ergonomic issues.
- the conduct and documentation of risk assessment of manual handling tasks.
- safe manual handling techniques.