第一部分Part One
问答题(十个问答题,必须全部作答,每题5 分)
1. 客户的采购习惯如何改变了现代供应链中持有库存的方式?
In what ways have customer buying habits changed the way that inventory is held in modern
supply chains?
2. 导致全球供应链复杂性的两个主要驱动因素是什么?
What are the TWO main drivers of complexity in global supply chains?
Briefly define the term ‘value chain’.
b)价值链分析的主要关注点是什么?(What is seen as the main focus of a value chain analysis?)
4. 简述企业战略和运作战略的不同之处。
In what ways does Business Strategy differ from Operational Strategy?
5. “寄销库存”的含义是什么?它是如何运作的?
What is meant by the term ‘Consignment Stocking’ and how does it operate in practice?
6. 简要解释影响供应链中运输模式选择的关键战略问题。
Briefly explain the key strategic issues affecting the selection of modes of transport within
supply chains.
7. 什么是作业成本法(ABC)?它是如何运作的?它的应用如何得到扩展?
What is Activity Based Costing (ABC), how does it work and how has it been extended?
8. 简述关键绩效指标(KPIs)和关键绩效目标(KPOs)以及关键绩效驱动(KPDs)之间的关系。
Briefly describe the relationship between Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Key Performance
Objectives (KPOs) and Key Performance Drivers (KPDs).
9. 简述供应链中“敏捷”的概念,并描述敏捷供应链的两个特征。
Briefly discuss the term ‘Agility’ in relation to a supply chain and identify any TWO of the
characteristics of an agile supply chain.
10. 简单描述用于改进供应链绩效的斯科特和韦斯布鲁克模型。
Briefly describe the Scott and Westbrook model designed to improve supply chain
2019-09-21 10:22
2019-09-21 10:19
2019-05-19 23:27
2019-05-19 23:25
2019-05-19 23:25
2019-05-17 09:20
2019-05-17 09:19