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        本白皮书讲述了沃尔玛的仓储网络在美国的发展历程。目的是要厘清沃尔玛在美国物流基础设施自 1970 年以来的演变,。截至 2017 年,我们统计到沃尔玛在美国境内拥有173个配送中心(沃尔玛和山姆俱乐部)共计 1 亿 2580 万平方呎。未来,沃尔玛已计划在美国新建4个共计 420 万平方英尺的仓储设施。

       沃尔玛的美国分销网络可以用大规模来形容(找不到更好的词)。打个比方,整个曼哈顿市是 6 亿 6100 万平方呎。如果把所有沃尔玛的配送中心放到曼哈顿,那么他们会覆盖近 19%的城市的表面面积 !在美国境内截止到 2017 年初,沃尔玛经营了 7 亿 7500 万平方英尺的零售空间。因此配送中心和零售房地产,沃尔玛在美国境内的合计总面积大约 9 亿平方英尺-曼哈顿的 1.36 倍近 !


This white paper provides a history of Walmart’s distribution center network in the United States to the current day. The intent is to provide a detailed look at the evolution of Walmart’s U.S. logistics infrastructure since the time when the company's first formal warehouse operation was opened in 1970.  As at 2017, we have identified 173 Walmart distribution centers & Sam’s Club distribution centers within the United States totaling 125.8 Million square feet. Looking ahead, Walmart has plans to open another 4 facilities in the United States totalling 4.2 Million square feet.  Walmart’s U.S. distribution network is, for lack of a better word, massive. To put things into perspective, the entire city of Manhattan is 661 Million square feet.  If all of Walmart’s distribution centers were air-lifted into Manhattan then they would cover nearly 19% of the city's surface area!  Now consider that at the start of 2017, Walmart operates 775 Million square feet of retail space within the United States.  Thus the sum of distribution center and retail real estate that Walmart operates within the U.S. is in the order of 900 Million square feet - nearly 1.36 times larger than Manhattan!  We have taken the time to research the opening dates and square footage of each distribution center for the purpose of compiling the evolution of the Walmart’s distribution network.  Now you may be wondering why on earth would anyone undertake to research this information.  The answer is quite simply that we are supply chain people and we are interested in understanding how the world's most successful companies strategically distribute goods to market.  In the case of Walmart, the company's multiple supply chains have evolved over the years so it is important to educate logistics professionals with an understanding of this evolution.    We also undertook to research Walmart’s distribution network as a means to measure several key ratios that compare retail store square footage to distribution center square footage. To our knowledge, no one has analyzed this information in the past so we thought that this information may be useful for people seeking to understand the company's supporting distribution infrastructure relative to its retail store network.  It was a painstaking effort to review 42 years of Walmart’s public financial statements and 10-K filings but this enabled us to develop the statistics and charts below that describe the ratio of net sales revenue and cost of goods per square footage of distribution space since 1970. 

 我们还承诺作为一种手段来衡量比较零售商店面积分布中心广场拍摄的几个关键比率研究沃尔玛的分销网络。我们所知,没有人分析了此信息在过去所以我们认为这一信息可用于试图了解本公司支持分配基础设施相对于其零售商店网络的人。这是艰苦努力审查 42 年的沃尔玛的公开财务报表和 10 K 备案但这使我们能够发展统计和图表下面描述的净销售收入比例和货物每平方英尺的分布空间成本的自 1970 年以来。

 We have organized Walmart’s distribution centers by Facility Type, State, and City based on the following main facility types:  我们列举了沃尔玛的配送中心的设施类型、 状态和基于以下主要设施类型的城市: 

 区域一般商品配送中心Regional General Merchandise Distribution Centers 

 全行杂货店、 食品店和易腐食品配送中心Full-Line Grocery, Grocery and Perishables Food Distribution Centers 

 时尚配送中心Fashion Distribution Centers 

 电子商务实践中心E-Commerce Fulfillment Centers 

 专业配送中心 (出口,光学实验室,药学,返回加工、 轮胎、 打印和邮件)Specialty Distribution Centers (Export, Optical Labs, Pharmacy, Returns Processing, Tires, Print and Mail) 

 导入 / 重新分配中心Import / Redistribution Centers 

 中心点配送中心Center Point Distribution Centers 

 山姆俱乐部配送中心Sam’s Club Distribution Centers

 It is important to note that in 2016, approximately 81% of the merchandise sold from Walmart stores is shipped through Walmart’s distribution center network.  Similarly, 64% of the non-fuel merchandise sold from Sam’s Club stores is shipped through Sam’s Club distribution center network.  The balance of sales is serviced through the DSD distribution channel (.i.e. direct store delivery refers to when the manufacturer/supplier delivers goods directly to the store. thus bypassing the retailer distribution network.  This channel is often used for food commodities such as snacks, beverages, beer, fresh bread, milk, etc.  For more information on DSD refer to this white paper). 它是商品的重要的是商品的要注意,在 2016 年,约 81%的从沃尔玛商店出售商品的运通过沃尔玛的配送中心网络。同样,64%的非燃料商品出售从山姆会员商店被运通过山姆俱乐部配送中心网络。销售的平衡通过渠务署分销渠道提供服务 (.即直营店交付是指当制造商/供应商将货物直接发送到。 商店。 从而绕过零售商分销网络此通道通常用于等零食、 饮料、 啤酒、 新鲜的面包、 牛奶等食品商品。渠务署有关更多信息指本白皮书).

 Legal Disclaimer - Please be advised that we do not have a business relationship with Walmart nor do we represent Walmart in any way.  To the greatest of our abilities, we have provided accurate information throughout our research efforts, however there is a chance that information provided within this white paper may be outdated or inaccurate.  All information within this white paper has been compiled through extensive research using 100% publicly available sources.  If you wish to advise of any corrections, please do not hesitate to contact us by sending us feedback. 法律免责声明-请注意,我们并没有与沃尔玛的业务关系也不我们不要以任何方式代表沃尔玛。最大的我们的能力,我们提供了准确的信息在整个我们研究努力,不过有机会在本白皮书的范围内提供该信息可能是过时的或不准确。通过大量的研究,使用 100%公开的资料来源,编制了本白皮书内的所有信息。如果你想要的任何更正建议,请不要不犹豫与我们联系通过向我们发送反馈. 在美国的沃尔玛区域一般商品配送中心 (GMDC) 网络

Walmart Regional General Merchandise Distribution Center (GMDC) Network in the United States Walmart currently operates 42 regional general merchandise distribution centers in the United States totaling 50.1 Million square feet.  These massive facilities are typically within the range of 1.0 - 1.6 Million square feet at 35’ clear stacking height.  The average distribution center employs over 1,000 warehouse associates. The average one-way travel distance to the stores is approximately 124 Miles. 沃尔玛目前经营 42 区域一般商品配送中心,在美国共计 5010 万平方呎。这些大量的设施是通常在 35' 明确堆放高度 1.0-1.6 万平方呎的范围内。平均分布中心的仓库员工超过 1,000。到商店的平均单程旅行距离是大约 124 英里。

 Walmart’s regional GMDC facilities generally do not vary significantly in design from site to site as explained below.  In general, Walmart owns and operates these facilities which serve as the strategic backbone for the company's hard lines general merchandise distribution network. The narrower rectangular portion of the facility is typically designed for a mechanized conveyor system that can be anywhere from 10 - 20 miles in total length.  Conveyors are used to flow through cases of merchandise that are already allocated to store orders at the time of receiving.  Each full case has a Walmart-compliant label such that the conveyance system can sort the merchandise to the correct shipping dock door assigned to a store (i.e. “door per store” is the industry term that is used for this).  A typical facility may have between 90 -170 stores being serviced whereby outbound trailers are staged at dock doors throughout a shipping shift until they are cubed or weighed out.  沃尔玛的区域 GMDC 设施一般变化不大的设计从站点到站点如下所述。一般情况下,沃尔玛拥有并经营这些设施,以配合公司的硬线一般商品经销网络的战略中枢。该设施的窄矩形部分通常用于机械化的输送系统,可以在任何地方从 10-20 英里的总长度。输送机用于流过的商品已被分配来存储订单接收时的案件。每个完整的案例有沃尔玛兼容的标签,这样输水系统可以对商品进行排序对分配给商店,正确航运码头门 (即"每个商店的门"是行业术语,用于此目的)。一个典型的设施可能正在被服务藉以出站拖车暂存于船坞门整个航运移直到它们被切成方块或称出 90-170 商店之间。 

Since not all merchandise is conveyable and not all merchandise can be pre-allocated, there is also a conventional full case and split case section of the facility. This is a racked section of the warehouse within the larger rectangular portion of the complex.  On this side of the complex, pallets are received on one side of the building and then putaway into storage racks. Pallets are then replenished to pick locations where merchandise is subsequently picked and either deposited to conveyor belts or to electric double pallet jacks.  Full case and split case picking modules can be designed with picking to conveyors up to 3 - 4 vertical levels high.  In general, bar-coded label picking is used for full case picking and put to light  / pick to light is used for split case merchandise stored in case flow racks as a means to improve speed and accuracy. 因为不是所有商品都是输送,并不是所有的商品可预分配,都还有常规的完整案例和分裂案例部分的设施。这是复杂的折磨一节内的较大的矩形部分的数据仓库。这边的复杂,托盘是一侧的建筑,然后送进了疯人院接收到货架。托盘是然后补充挑选地点,随后挑选商品并要么沉积到传送带或电动双托盘推车。全案和拆分案采摘模块可以设计与领料输送机上到 3-4 垂直水平高。一般情况下,领料的条码标签是用于完整案例领料和光 / 摘光是用于拆分案例商品存储流架作为一种手段来提高速度和精度的情况下。 

A portion of the GMDC complex is also used for full pallet cross docking operations. Faster moving SKUs are moved through the facility in pallet unit loads from receiving docks across to shipping docks positioned on the opposite side of the complex.  Walmart controls a much larger percentage of its inbound freight as compared to most retailers, hence floor space is also used for the purpose of moving inbound backhaul merchandise through the facility to ship to other distribution centers within the network; or to serve as a consolidation point for remixing purposes. GMDC 复合体的一部分也可用于交叉对接操作完全托盘。快速移动的 Sku 移动通过托盘装置设施从各地接收码头将加载航运码头位于另一侧的复杂。沃尔玛控制其入站货运相比,大多数零售商的多大比例,因此地板空间也用于移动通过基金入站的回程商品运送到其他配送中心内部网络;或作为混音目的整合点。

 In the past, Walmart’s General Merchandise distribution centers were primarily established to distribute hard lines (i.e. non-food) commodities including electronics, health and beauty aids, sporting goods and toys, appliances, etc.  Similarly, the company's grocery distribution network was primarily established to distribute dry grocery, fresh dairy/deli/meat/produce and frozen food commodities. Starting around 2006, the company began to blur the lines between the role of the general merchandise distribution network and the role of dry grocery distribution network. In effect, roughly 4,000 of the fastest moving dry grocery and general merchandise products were mixed (i.e. combined) so that these fastest velocity items can be distributed from all eligible General Merchandise and Grocery distribution centers.  This remixing concept is a network strategy that is often referred to as a fast/slow distribution strategy whereby the fastest cube-movement products are positioned closer to the retail stores and slower moving products are stocked at fewer distribution points that are further away from demand points.  Why does this strategy make perfect sense?  Quite simply because the fastest-moving products generate the most truckload volume and therefore miles of travel to support the stores. These items move so quickly that their inventory turns are extremely fast, hence the inventory penalty associated with stocking these items at twice as many distribution centers is relatively low. On the other hand, these items generate the majority of cube movement therefore stocking them closer to the stores takes out significant over the road transportation miles.  As well, the most important items are generally the products that move the fastest therefore the stores receive improved service levels for these items because they are stocked closer to the store.  This is consistent with Walmart’s on-going efforts to reduce out of stocks at retail, to take cost out of the supply chain and to support its green initiatives.  In other words, the remixing concept is a winner across all  fronts.Below is a list of Walmart’s regional general merchandise distribution centers in the United States.  在过去,沃尔玛百货初步建立了配送中心,分发非食品(hard line) 商品包括电子、 健康和美容的艾滋病,体育用品、 玩具、 用具等。同样,公司的食品杂货经销网络主要成立,分发干杂货、 乳制品/熟食/肉/新鲜和冷冻食品商品。在 2006 年左右,该公司开始一般商品配送网络的作用和干杂货配送网络的作用之间的界限。实际上,大约 4,000 的快速移动的干杂货和一般商品产品喜忧参半 (即组合),可以从所有的资格一般商品和杂货配送中心分发这些最快的速度项目。这个复搅的概念是一项网络战略,往往被称为快/慢的分配策略,藉以最快的多维数据集运动产品位于接近零售商店和慢移动产品的放养密度为少离开需求点较远的分发点。这一战略为什么做出完美的感觉?很简单因为快移动产品生成最卡车卷和因此英里的旅行,以便支持商店。这些项目移动如此之快,其库存周转率是速度极快,因此伴放养这些项目在两次多配送中心的库存刑罚是相对较低。另一方面,这些项目生成多维数据集运动因此放养它们绝大多数商店接近接管重大道路运输英里。以及,最重要的项目通常是移动最快因此商店接收这些项目提高的服务级别,因为他们更接近放养到存储的产品。这是符合沃尔玛的努力不懈减少从股票在零售,采取供应链的成本,支持其作为环保倡议。换句话说,复搅概念全线是一个胜利者。下面是沃尔玛的区域一般商品配送中心,在美国的列表。

发布于 2018-10-22 10:20


本文由 felix 原创发布于 大董知识库 ,著作权归作者所有。


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