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felix 超级管理员 用户来自于: 北京市
2020-01-14 15:01

   “The intent is not to be a Big Brother, but there are instances where having data is important for decision making,” Pavate says. “This is a way to enhance engagement between workers, who aren’t going anywhere, and robots, which are definitely coming. The intent is not to track workers, it’s to learn how to make their jobs better, so you don’t have to take so much time to perform a task.”

Clouds and rain 

     RAIN RFID Alliance is a global alliance for Cloud-based storage, management and sharing of data by reading and writing data to a tagged item. The goal is to establish a wireless technology organization similar to NFC Forum, WiFi Alliance or Bluetooth SIG. Sharing the name with the alliance, RAIN RFID technology, which is RFID in the Cloud, aims to improve traceability of items, whether cartons, goods, bins or totes, with a unique ID for each item of interest. It’s possible to read thousands of items per second at a distance of 30 feet, or about 10 meters, without line of sight. Battery-free tags offer theoretically unlimited life and can be used worldwide. 

   “First and foremost, we’re trying to make visible what was previously not visible,” says Jeff Dossett, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Impinj, who adds that the technology is particularly useful for work in process and crossdocking applications.


Real-time data can generate heat maps to help optimize pick routes, reduce congestion and improve facility layout.

     When it’s possible to uniquely identify items and locations throughout the supply chain, confirm shipment between points and within a facility, and visualize end-to-end operations, it becomes possible to virtualize the operation. In other words, Dossett says, managers don’t derive status by sampling, but by knowing everything.

   “In fact, we refer to it as Internet of Everything. We’re trying to expand the Internet’s reach to trillions of everyday items, and today many, many more items can be effectively tagged for identification and location than was possible even five years ago,” he says. “We see virtually every business and industry seeking some form of digital transformation, and there’s deep engagement in what is essentially an IoT opportunity, wherein physical items can be endowed with a digital life so they can become visible and therefore manageable.”

     To avoid drinking from yet another firehose of data, St. Onge’s Hill advises companies to focus on the fundamentals that will make or break digitization efforts. 

    “There are clever ways, if people sit and brainstorm, to come up with solutions for these problems,” Hill says. “You can look at the cost and value of technology, but you might not need technology to improve things like training and how workers interact with the WMS.”

      Simple process flow charts often reveal insights, Hill says, especially if the supervisor brings in the people who actually do the work to review the charts. 

     “Ask for help from the people doing the work? Yes, because they know more about their job than you ever will,” Hill says. “Get back to basics. Is there a way to do this conventionally? It’s prudent to compare those options to automated alternatives before you jump off the edge of the dock.”



2020-01-13 16:10
2020-01-14 15:01
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Radio frequency identification(RFID)
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