An allowance or deduction granted by the seller to the buyer, usually when the buyer meets certain stipulated conditions that reduce the price of the products purchased. A quantity discount is an allowance determined by the quantity or value of the purchase. A cash discount is an allowance extended to encourage payment of an invoice on or before a stated date. A trade discount is a deduction from an established price for goods or services made by the seller to those engaged in certain businesses. See: price break.
折扣-指销售者给与购买者价格方面的减少或优惠,通常是购买者达到一定的约束条件时降低其购买的产品价格。数量折扣是由所购买产品的数量和价值决定的。现金折扣是对于使用发票或者在某一固定日期前支付的一种优惠。贸易折扣是指对于某些由销售者制造的货物或者提供的服务从一个现有的价格上打折扣卖给参与了特定业务的顾客。参见: price break。
This guy is lazy,Introduction has not been set