1.On Time Receipts - Supplier:
供应商按时到达率(收货率)-:按时发货的订单数量/发货的订单总数。The percentage of orders shipped at theplanned time. Shipped means off the dock, and in transit to its final destination在计划时间内发货的订单百分比。发货指离开码头,开始向最终目的地运输。
Calculation:The number of orders shipped on time / total number of ordersshipped.
2.Peak Warehouse Capacity Used:
仓库容量使用峰值:最高峰值容量/可用容量 The amount of warehouse capacity usedduring designated peak seasons.在指定的旺季使用的仓库容量。
Calculation:Peak capacity used / capacity available.
3.Total Order Cycle Time, in Hours:
总订单周期,以小时为单位:合计(客户收到货物的时间—客户下单的时间)/已发货的订单总数。(不包括非工作日)The average end to end time between orderplacement by the customer and order receipt by the customer.客户下订单和客户接收货物的平均时间差。
Calculation:Excluding non-working days: sum of (Time order received by customer – time order placed) / Total number oforders shipped.
4.Inventory Count (Percent by Location):
储位库存准确率(按储位的比率):1–(错误的位置数量总和/计数的位置总数)。 Measures the accuracy (by location andunits) of the physical inventory compared to the reported inventory: If thewarehouse management system indicates that 10 units of part number XYZ are inslot B0029, the inventory count accuracy indicates how frequently one can go tothat location and find that the physical count matches the system与报告的库存相比,测量实际库存的准确性(按位置和单位):如果仓库管理系统显示零件号XYZ的10个单位在插槽B0029中,则库存数量准确性指在指定库存位置能够找到与系统匹配的货物的频率(就是百分比)。
Calculation: Inventory Count (Percent by Location):1 –(the sum of the number of locations containing an error / the total number oflocations counted).
5.Order Picking Accuracy:
订单拣选准确性:正确拣选的订单数/总拣选订单数 This measures the accuracy of the orderspicking process where errors may be caught prior to shipment such as during packaging.这衡量的是订单拣配过程的准确性,在装运前(如包装期间)可能会发现错误的情况。
Calculation:Orders picked correctly / total orders picked.
6.Distribution Cost per Unit Shipped
单件物流成本:仓储运营及配送总成本/发货总单位 The cost to run distribution relative tothe units shipped through distribution. Distribution costs include: managementactivities; track inventory deployment; receive, inspect, and store inbounddeliveries; track product avail-ability; pick, pack, and ship product fordelivery; track inventory accuracy; track third-party logistics storage; andshipping performance.通过分销系统发货的单位配送成本。分销成本包括:管理成本、库存跟踪调度;收货、检验和上架;产品可用性跟踪;库存准确性跟踪;库内拣选、包装、发运等;第三方物流存储跟踪;以及运输绩效管控。
Calculation:Total cost of operating distribution / total units shipped
7.Distribution Costs as a Percent of Sales
7.物流费率(物流成本占销售额的百分比):总物流成本/总销售额The cost to run distribution relative tototal sales. Activities included in the operate warehousing process are:management activities, track inventory deployment, receive, inspect, and storeinbound deliveries, track product availability, pick, pack, and ship productfor delivery, track inventory accuracy, track third-party logistics storage andshipping performance.总销售额的配送成本。活动包括仓储运营中的:管理活动;库存跟踪;接收、检查和存储入站交货;产品可用性跟踪;库存准确性跟踪;第三方物流存储跟踪;以及运输绩效。
Calculation:Total distribution costs/ Total sales
8.Dock to Stock Cycle Time, in Hours
8.收货到上架的时间周期(以小时为单位):在给定的时间段内,所有订单的收货到上架的时间周期(以小时为单位)之和/供应商订单的总数量 The dock-to-stock cycle time equals thetime (typically measured in hours) required to put away goods. The cycle timebegins when goods arrive from the supplier and ends when those goods are putaway in the warehouse and recorded into the inventory management system.收货到上架的时间周期等于收货所需的时间(通常以小时为单位)。时间计算从供应商的货物到达月台时开始,到将这些货物存放货位中并记录到库存管理系统时结束。
Calculation:For a given time period: Sum of the cycle time in hours for allsupplier receipts / Total number of supplier receipts
9.Honeycomb Percentage
9.储位空间使用百分比(蜂窝百分比):实际被利用的存储单位/可用的总仓库总存储单位。 Measures how well actual cube utilizationwithin the warehouse is managed. Especially important where slots may be onlypartially full. An example would be if 1 unit is in a location, and it has roomfor 10, the utilization for that slot/bin location is 10%.测量仓库中实际存储单位利用率的管理情况。尤其重要的是只有部分满的存储单位。例如,如果一个存储单元可以放10个单位,但实际只放了一个单位,那么利用率是10%。
Calculation:Actual cube utilization / total warehouse cube positions available.
10.Orders Picked and Shipped per PersonHour
10.每小时每人订单拣选和发运量:对于给定时间段:总订单数/订单拣选和发运的总小时数。 Measures the productivity of picking andshipping operations in orders per person hour.以每个人每小时的订单拣选和发运的生产力。Calculation:For a given time period: Total orders picked / Total hours worked inthe picking and shipping operation.
11.On Time Shipments
11.准时装运:按时发货的订单数/已发货的订单总数。 The percentage of orders shipped at theplanned time. Shipped means off the dock, and in transit to its finaldestination).在计划时间内装运的订单的百分比。发货指离开码头,开始向最终目的地运输。
Calculation:The number of orders shipped on time / total number of ordersshipped.
12.Percent of Supplier Orders Received withCorrect Documents
12.到货供应商订单文件完整率:使用完整和正确的文档处理的供应商订单数/测量期间处理的供应商订单总数 The number of orders that are processedwith complete and correct documentation as a percentage of total orders.Documentation includes packing slips, case and pallet labeling, certifications,ASN, carrier documents or other documents as required by the Purchase Order.使用完整和正确的文档处理的订单数占订单总数的百分比。文件包括装箱单、箱和托盘标签、证书、ASN、承运人文件或采购订单要求的其他文件。
Calculation:The number of supplier orders that are processed with complete andcorrect documents / the total supplier orders processed in the measurementperiod13.日清达成率,有一个标准,比如说入库1万件以内要求时效,2万件以内时效又是多少?退货上架,线上发货,线下发货,都有一个时效对应的表。其中只有一项没达成,就算是没达成。 后面还有一半陆续会贴出来,本文档英文来自于美国仓储教育协会,由网友大雪的朋友贾嘉老师帮忙翻译,大董知识库做了部分修改,也请各位在留言中提出中肯的翻译意见,或在通过回复的方式参与讨论。也希望各位能尝试在自己的仓库使用起来,帮助管理者了解仓库的运营水平,也能找出可以提升的空间。