
felix This guy is lazy,Introduction has not been set

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Demand on distribution centers and warehouses are greater than ever, and promises of more reshoring around the country indicate the strain will only grow tighter. Rather than building new facilities, consider using these tips to optimize your existing facility to achieve higher thruput. 1. Analyze Current Processes. A company cannot increase operational efficiency of their warehouses without knowing where current resources are being used. Begin the process of maximizing thruput and warehouse optimization by analyzing all processes and operations throughout your facility, explains Norman Saenz Jr. of Distribution Center Management. 2. Create an “Internal Warehouse.” Grouping together products that tend to be ordered simultaneously can dramatically reduce overall picking times, reports Shelf Plus. This internal warehouse also helps to avoid bottlenecks and promotes order accuracy during fulfillment. 3. Evaluate Use of Storage Equipment. Occasionally, warehouse managers can forget about the value of equipment that is rarely used or outdated. Evaluate the frequency of use and benefits of all warehouse equipment. If it is not being used regularly, consider removing it from the facility. 4. Slot Most Ordered Products in Picking Areas. The fastest-moving products should be accessible in picking areas or zones. This can even include placing these products in the packaging area to make them readily available. 5. Limit Shipping Carton Options. Although variety is great, minimizing the carton options help to avoid unnecessary packaging. Considering recent pushes toward dimensional pricing models (DIM pricing), fewer carton options may lead to lower overall shipping costs for end users. 6. Automate Anything That Can Be Automated. Modern technology can be automated many of the mundane tasks in your facility, including picking, packaging and loading of products, asserts Meena Veilumuthu. Implement systems to automate anything that does not require human action to be successful 7. Give Pickers an Incentive. Incentive programs are designed to promote a strong work ethic and sense of accomplishment among employees. Incentives encourage employees to double-check their work and adhere to policies and practices in your facility. 8. Narrow the Aisles. If large machines are not going down the aisles, there is no reason to have wide aisles. Narrow aisles to accommodate “two-lane” picking traffic. 9. Consolidate Like Products. Consumers can be fickle. If your warehouse stores dozens of like products, such as different colored armbands, consolidate like products into the same slots. Just make sure the “differing” aspects can be readily identified without opening the package. 10. Improve Training. An inefficient warehouse may reflect poorly trained employees. Even seasoned employees pick up bad habits with time, so improve your training to reflect the latest technology and processes deployed in your organization. Furthermore, make training sessions interactive and fun by avoiding lengthy, classroom-based instruction. 11. Increase Motion-Activated Lighting. Warehouse lighting is difficult, and the utility costs can easily rise into the thousands of dollars. Implement motion-activated lighting systems within racks to help pickers and staff members see what they are reaching for more easily. This will also help improve order accuracy. 12. Integrate WMS With Other Systems. Historically warehouse management systems (WMSs) have been solely used in a specific facility. However, new technology has emerged that allows easy integration of WMS with other legacy or essential systems, such as a comprehensive transportation management system (TMS). 13. Use Automated Storage and Retrieval. Robotics are becoming essential to automating the picking process. Obtain a quote for robotic pickers, and find out if your competitors already have similar systems. 14. Take Advantage of Overhead Space. Overhead space can be used more efficiently than adding to the floor space of your distribution centers. Some contractors may be able to literally raise the roof of your facility at a lower cost than adding horizontally to your center. 15. Re-Slot Distribution Centers. Re-slotting distribution centers and subsequent storage areas in your supply chain can help you determine how many products your facility needs to store. In addition, it can help you reduce shelf time for products as well. 16. Profile Orders. Maximizing thruput can also benefit from profiling orders. For example, orders from district A tend to include products B, C and D. Group like orders together to optimize pick tickets. 17. Get Advice From Warehouse Workers. Workers in distribution centers or warehouses interact with one another and your technology daily. They may have insight into how processes or design can be changed to improve efficiency. 18. Maintain Flexibility. Rigidity leads to breaks in the flow of products. While some rigidity is necessary, such as adhering to compliance statutes, your organization must be flexible to adjust to changes in consumer and business-to-business demands. 19. Avoid Overcrowding. A crowded warehouse is confusing. Avoid overcrowding slots, picking areas and packaging zones. This will help keep products flowing. 20. Reduce Number of Touch Points. More touch points equate to greater chance for errors. Aim for as few touch points as possible by implementing order tracking and automation systems. 21. Establish “Picking Routes.” Pickers should have a plan for pulling all the items in an order before beginning a pick ticket. In addition, consider implementing pick-to-carton methods. 22. Keep Some Open Space. New products come along every day. Make sure you retain at least 10 percent of your total space for tomorrow’s new products. 23. Stagger Staff Schedules. Staff schedules should start at different times. This helps to prevent confusion and “traffic jams” during the picking process. 24. Evaluate! Every redesign or new solution implemented requires follow-up. Evaluate how the new thruput stacks up against previous operations. You can create more space in your warehouse without construction if you implement these 24 tips today. 

Published on 2018-01-12 08:27


This document is written by felix Original published on 大董知识库 ,The copyright belongs to the author。

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2018-01-12 08:28
以下是网页自动翻译结果,如果有朋友感兴趣,可以帮忙润色下: 配送中心和仓库的需求比以往任何时候都要多,而在全国范围内更多的承诺表明这种压力只会越来越严。考虑使用这些技巧来优化您现有的设施,以获得更高的产出。 1.分析当前进程。 如果不知道当前资源的使用情况,公司就不能提高仓库的运营效率。分销中心管理Norman Saenz Jr.解释说,通过分析整个设施的所有流程和操作,开始最大化吞吐量和仓库优化的过程。 2.创建一个“内部仓库”。 将同时订购的产品分组在一起,可以显着缩短整体采摘时间,请参阅“ Shelf Plus”。这个内部仓库还有助于避免瓶颈,并在履行期间提高订单的准确性。 3.评估使用存储设备。 偶尔,仓库经理可能会忘记很少使用或过时的设备的价值。评估所有仓库设备的使用频率和效益。如果没有经常使用,请考虑将其从设施中移除。 4.在采摘区域最有序的产品 应该在拣选区域或区域中使用移动速度最快的产品。这甚至可以包括将这些产品放置在包装区域以使其容易获得。 5.限制运送纸箱选项。 虽然品种很棒,但最小化纸盒选项有助于避免不必要的包装。考虑到近期推动三维定价模式(DIM定价),更少的纸箱选项可能会导致最终用户的整体运输成本降低。 6.自动化任何可以自动化的东西。Meena Veilumuthu 说,现代技术可以使工厂的许多日常工作自动化,包括采摘,包装和装载产品。实施系统来自动执行任何不需要人为操作的事情 7.给采购员一个奖励。 激励方案旨在促进员工之间强烈的职业道德和成就感。激励措施鼓励员工重新检查自己的工作,并遵守工厂的政策和实践。 8.缩小过道。 如果大型机器不走过道,没有理由拥有宽阔的通道。狭窄的通道适应“双车道”采摘交通。 9.巩固同类产品。 消费者可以善变。如果您的仓库存储数十种类似产品(如不同颜色的臂章),则将同类产品合并到同一个槽中。只要确保“不同”的方面可以很容易地确定,而无需打开包装。 10.提高培训。 一个低效的仓库可能反映了训练有素的员工。即使是经验丰富的员工,随着时间的推移也会产生不良习惯,所以要提高您的培训,以反映组织中部署的最新技术和流程。此外,通过避免冗长的课堂教学,使培训课程更具互动性和趣味性。 11.增加运动激活的照明。 仓库照明是困难的,公用事业成本可以很容易地上升到数千美元。在机架内实施运动激活的照明系统,以帮助采购员和工作人员更容易地看到他们正在达到的目标。这也将有助于提高订单的准确性。 12.将WMS与其他系统集成。 从历史上看,仓库管理系统(WMS)只能在特定的设施中使用。但是,新技术已经出现,使得WMS与其他遗留或基本系统(如综合运输管理系统(TMS))容易整合。 13.使用自动存储和检索。 机器人技术对于自动化拣选过程变得至关重要。获取机器人采集器的报价,并查明您的竞争对手是否已经拥有类似的系统。 14.利用架空空间。 开销空间可以比添加到配送中心的地面空间更有效率。一些承包商可能能够以比水平添加到您的中心更低的成本从字面上提高您的设施的屋顶。 15.重新分配中心。 在您的供应链中重新分配配送中心和随后的存储区域可以帮助您确定您的设施需要存储多少产品。此外,它还可以帮助您缩短产品的货架期。 16.配置文件订单。 最大化吞吐量也可以受益于性能分析订单。例如,来自A区的订单倾向于包括产品B,C和D,像订单一样优化拣货单。 17.从仓库工人那里获得建议。 配送中心或仓库的工作人员每天互相交流,技术交流。他们可能会了解如何改变流程或设计以提高效率。 18.保持灵活性。 刚性导致产品流动中断。虽然有必要坚持遵守法规,但是您的组织必须灵活地适应消费者和企业对企业的需求变化。 19.避免过度拥挤。 拥挤的仓库令人困惑。避免过度拥挤狭缝,拣选区域和包装区域。这将有助于保持产品流动。 20.减少触点数量。 更多的接触点等同于更大的错误机会。通过实施订单跟踪和自动化系统,尽可能减少接触点。 21.建立“拣选路线”。拣货员 在开始拣选票之前应该有一个计划,把所有的物品都拉出来。另外,考虑实施“拣货”方式。 22.保留一些开放空间。 新产品每天都会出现。确保您的未来新产品的总空间至少保留10%。 23.摊位工作人员的时间表。 员工时间表应该在不同的时间开始。这有助于在采摘过程中防止混乱和“交通拥堵”。 24.评估! 每次重新设计或新解决方案都需要进行跟进。评估新的吞吐量与以前的操作相比如何。 如果您今天实施了这24个技巧,您可以在仓库中创建更多空间而无需施工。
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