1) A measure of delivery performance of finished goods or other cargo, usually expressed as a percentage. In a make-to-stock company, this percentage usually represents the number of items or dollars (on one or more customer orders) that were shipped on schedule for a specific time period, compared to the total that were supposed to be shipped in that time period. Syn: customer service level, fill rate, order-fill ratio, percent of fill. Ant:stockout percentage. 2) In a make-to-order company, usually some comparison of the number of jobs or dollars shipped in a given time period (e.g., a week) compared with the number of jobs or dollars that were supposed to be shipped in that time period. Syn: fill rate.
客户服务比率—1)产成品交货绩效的度量,通常用百分数表示。在按库存生产的公司,这种百分比通常表示特定时段内按期交运的产品数目或金额(基于一个或多个客户订单)占此期间预交运总数的百分比。同义词:customer service level, fill rate, order-fill ratio, percent of fill. 反义词:stockout percentage。2)在按订单生产的企业,客户服务比率通常表示为给定时间(如一个星期)内交运的工作数目或金额比此期间内预定交运的总工作数目或金额的百分比。