茯苓 专家组

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茯苓 在 2020-06-25 22:18 回答了问题
茯苓: Bob Liu 五件套
茯苓 在 2020-06-20 17:51 回答了问题
仓储与配送科学-2.4 Storage:“Dedicated”vs “Shared”
茯苓: Unfortunately, shared storage also has some disadvantages. Most immediately, the locations of products will change over time as locations are emp...
茯苓 在 2020-06-15 11:15 回答了问题
仓储与配送科学-2.4 Storage:“Dedicated”vs “Shared”
茯苓: 2.4 Storage:“Dedicated”vs “Shared”存储:专用vs共享Each storage location in a warehouse is assigned a unique address. This includes both fixed storage lo...
茯苓 在 2020-06-14 22:23 回答了问题
仓储与配送科学-2.2Units of handling
茯苓: 2.2 Units of handling 产品的作业单位Even though it is a frequently useful metaphor, most products do not, of course, flow like incompressible fluids. In...
茯苓 在 2020-06-14 21:57 回答了问题
仓储与配送科学-2.1The fluid model of product flow
茯苓: 2.1 The fluid model of product flow产品流动的流体模型The “supply chain” is the sequence of processes through which product moves from its origin toward th...
茯苓 在 2020-06-14 20:53 回答了问题
仓储与配送科学-2.3 Two fundamental resources
茯苓: 2.3 Two Fundamantal Resources 两种基础资源Warehouse management is all about careful use of space and time (that is, labor or person-hours). Both space ...
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