3 回答
milk run 要配合标准化循环容器,箱管中心一起运作,循环容器相当于奶瓶儿,每到一个vendor放下空奶瓶儿装上满奶瓶,循环往复,vendor只需提供牛奶并提前装入奶瓶中等待装车即可。复杂性问题简单化,是MILKRUN,应该算是流程标准化的范例,有没有系统不重要,重要是供应链协同。建立信任,在约定时间内事件一定发生,每个完成自己的承诺。当然这是上古设计思路了,刚性十足。现代智能物联网时代,要如何,没想明白。但绝不是吹得天花乱坠,执行起来就靠电话夺命连环call,嗯,还加上qq.微信,钉钉什么一路
A regular route for pickup of mixed loads fromseveral suppliers. For example, instead of each offive suppliers sending a truckload per week tomeet the weekly needs of the customer, one truckvisits each of the suppliers on a daily basis beforedelivering to the customer's plant. Five truckloadsper week are still shipped, but each truckloadcontains the daily requirement from each supplier.See: consolidation.