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Gartner : Announces Rankings of the 2018 Supply Chain Top 25 联合利华保卫高端地位,麦当劳加入 “大师级”类别Gartner ,Inc.发布了年度供应链25强的成果,确定供应链领导者并强调他们的最佳实践。分析师在本周于亚利桑那州凤凰城JW万豪沙漠岭度假村举行的Gartner供应链执行会议上宣布了结果。 Gartner研究副总裁Stan Aronow表示:“2018年是连续第14年,我们正在发布供应链前25名排名。“这个排名由一群令人印象深刻的领导人组成,他们分享了宝贵的经验教训,其中包括来自生命科学,零售和消费品领域的三位新进入者。 Aronow先生说:“回顾2017年,我们经历了一年的健康增长,尽管激烈的贸易言论。“现在,到2018年,随着美国和英国等国宣布的举措,保护主义正在蔓延。这导致许多组织重新评估其供应网络的位置策略。我们也看到强劲的增长制约了许多地区的可用供应,增加了物流和劳动力成本。最先进的供应链正积极管理这些风险,并继续发布稳健的表现。“  联合利华连续第三年获得第一名,其次是Inditex,思科,高露洁棕榄和英特尔(见表1)。Home Depot在三年的停顿后重新加入了排名,而诺和诺德和阿迪达斯首次加入供应链前25名。 “联合利华拥有强大的供应链品牌,这体现在其顶级民意调查得分上。Aronow说,它还获得了完美的企业社会责任(CSR)10。“荷兰消费品领导者正在对其供应链的数字化进行重大打击。一个关键的举措是机器人过程自动化(RPA),支持从区域服务控制塔运行的订单到现金流程。它的20多个“机器人”已经实现了数百个流程的自动化,还有数百个流程图。“  长期的供应链领导者和去年的亚军麦当劳加入了苹果,宝洁和亚马逊的排位赛,获得了Gartner在2015年推出的'Masters'类别,以表彰过去10年的持续领导力。 Aronow先生说:“麦当劳成功的关键在于通过战略供应商,服务提供商以及全球数千家公司和特许经营商店的网络进行巧妙的协调。“该公司还在尝试使用增强现实等数字供应链功能来管理仓库,因此员工可以花更多时间与客户在一起。 除了“大师”类别之外,供应链25强还将继续为供应链实践对全球经济影响力的增长提供一个见解,学习,辩论和贡献的平台。 注: 1. Gartner观点和同侪观点:根据每个专家组的强制排序顺序与“DDVN协调员”的定义相对照。 2.资产回报率:(2017年净利润/ 2017年总资产)* 50%+(2016年净利润/ 2016年总资产)* 30%+(2015年净利润/ 2015年总资产)* 20%。 3.库存变动:2017年销售成本/ 2017年季度平均库存。 4.收入增长:(收入变化2017-2016)* 50%+(收入变化2016-2015)* 30%+(收入变化2015-2014)* 20%。 5.企业社会责任组成评分:承诺,透明度和绩效的第三方企业社会责任指标索引。 6.综合评分:(同侪意见* 25%)+(Gartner Research Opinion * 25%)+(ROA * 20%)+(库存周转率* 10%)+(收入增长* 10%)+ 10%)。 在可用的情况下使用2017年数 如果不可用,则使用最新的可用全年数据。在综合计算之前,所有原始数据都归一化为10分制。使用下一个小数点比较来确定连锁综合分数的“排名”。 资料来源:Gartner(2018年5月) 今年供应链领导者正在加速其能力的三大关键趋势,并将其与包装的其他部分进一步分离.Gartner将客户体验(CX)定义为客户的感受和相关感受通过与供应商员工,渠道,系统和产品的互动的一次性累积效应。公司认识到他们的客户深受其供应链经验的影响 - 交货延迟令交易失望,加快交货快乐。 关注客户体验 许多领先的供应链正在与客户建立数字连接,以便更好地了解他们对产品的使用,预测未来需求,并在问题出现之前更快地回应问题,“Aronow说。 扩展数字供应链功能经过第一轮实验后,领先公司正在扩大工厂,仓库和企业后台中最可行的数字供应链解决方案。虽然自动化在制造和物流领域最常见,但数字客户服务也出现爆炸式增长。这包括订单到现金周期的RPA以及由于使用自然语言而使用经过培训的人工智能(AI)客户服务聊天机器人,因为他们使用自然语言,因此客户可能会误认为他们是人类。移动到循环供应链设计领先的公司已经改变了他们的在涉及环境可持续性时的心态。先进的供应链现在采用基于生命周期的方法来了解产品和运营在整个价值链中的总体影响。“Aronow表示,企业实施这些所谓的”循环经济“策略的原因有很多。“我们经常看到一种利他主义的愿望,就是要为环境和社会做最好的事情,再加上在竞争激烈的市场中持续分化的商业愿望。因此,作为更广泛的循环业务战略的一部分,一些公司正在回收和重新利用新产品的旧部件,并延长现有设备的生命周期。“  Gartner的客户可以在“Gartner供应链2018年前25名”中阅读更多信息。供应链前25名排名包括两个主要部分:业务表现和意见。公共财务和企业社会责任数据形式的业务表现提供了公司过去的表现,而意见部分则关注未来潜力并反映供应链社区的领导地位。这两个组件合并为一个综合评分。 关于Gartner供应链前25名 Gartner分析师从“财富”全球500强企业和“福布斯全球2000强”组合中挑选出公司名单。为了保持评估公司名单的可管理水平, Gartner分析师正在菲尼克斯和9月23日至25日在伦敦举行的Gartner供应链高管会议上提供有关供应链趋势的更多分析和信息。使用#GartnerSCC关注社交媒体上事件的新闻和更新。   005/17/2018 | 02:29pm CESTPress Release Unilever Defends Top Position, McDonald's Joins the 'Masters' CategoryGartner, Inc. has released the results of its annual Supply Chain Top 25, identifying supply chain leaders and highlighting their best practices. Analysts announced the results at theGartner Supply Chain Executive Conference, which is being held this week at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa in Phoenix, AZ. '2018 is the 14th consecutive year, we are publishing the Supply Chain Top 25 ranking,' said Stan Aronow, research vice president at Gartner. 'The ranking consists of an impressive group of leaders with valuable lessons to share, including three recent entrants from the life sciences, retail and consumer products sectors. 'Looking back at 2017, we experienced a year of healthy growth, despite heated trade rhetoric,' said Mr. Aronow. 'Now, in 2018, protectionism is spreading in response to announced moves by the U.S. and the U.K., among others. This has led many organizations to re-evaluate the location strategy for their supply networks. We also see strong growth constraining available supply in many geographies, increasing the cost of logistics and labor. The most advanced supply chains are proactively managing these risks and continue to post solid performances.' Unilever scored the top spot for the third year in a row, followed by Inditex, Cisco, Colgate-Palmolive and Intel (see Table 1). Home Depot rejoined the ranking after a three-year hiatus, while Novo Nordisk and Adidas joined the Supply Chain Top 25 for the first time. 'Unilever has a strong supply chain brand, which is reflected by its top-tier opinion poll score. It also received a perfect 10 for corporate social responsibility (CSR),' said Aronow. 'The Dutch consumer products leader is making big bets in the digitization of its supply chain. A key initiative is robotic process automation (RPA) supporting the order-to-cash process, run from its regional service control towers. Its more than 20 'bots' have already automated hundreds of processes, with a roadmap for hundreds more.' Longtime supply chain leader and last year's runner-up McDonald's joined Apple, P&G and Amazon in qualifying for the 'Masters' category, which Gartner introduced in 2015 to recognize sustained leadership over the last 10 years. 'The key to McDonald's success is skillful orchestration across a network of strategic suppliers, service providers and thousands of companies and franchise-owned stores worldwide,' said Mr. Aronow. 'The company is also experimenting with digital supply chain capabilities like augmented reality to manage storerooms, so staff can spend more time with the customer. Along with the 'Masters' category, the Supply Chain Top 25 continues to offer a platform for insights, learning, debate and contributions to the rising influence of supply chain practices on the global economy. Table 1. The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2018
Notes: 1. Gartner Opinion and Peer Opinion: Based on each panel's forced-rank ordering against the definition of 'DDVN orchestrator.' 2. ROA: (2017 net income/2017 total assets)*50% + (2016 net income/2016 total assets)*30% + (2015 net income/2015 total assets)*20%. 3. Inventory Turns: 2017 cost of goods sold/2017 quarterly average inventory. 4. Revenue Growth: (Change in revenue 2017-2016)*50% + (change in revenue 2016-2015)*30% + (change in revenue 2015-2014)*20%. 5. CSR Component Score: Index of third-party corporate social responsibility measures of commitment, transparency and performance. 6. Composite Score: (Peer Opinion*25%) + (Gartner Research Opinion*25%) + (ROA*20%) + (Inventory Turns*10%) + (Revenue Growth*10%) + (CSR Component Score*10%). 2017 data used where available. Where unavailable, latest available full-year data used. All raw data normalized to a 10-point scale prior to composite calculation. 'Ranks' for tied composite scores are determined using next decimal point comparison. Source: Gartner (May 2018) Three key trends stand out this year for supply chain leaders that are accelerating their capabilities, separating them further from the rest of the pack.Gartner defines the customer experience (CX) as the customer's perceptions and related feelings caused by the one-off and cumulative effect of interactions with a supplier's employees, channels, systems and products. Companies recognize that their customers are heavily influenced by their supply chain experience - a late delivery disappoints, an expedited delivery delights. Focus on Customer Experience 'Many leading supply chains are using digital connections with customers to better understand their use of products, predict future demand and more quickly respond to issues, even before they appear,' said Aronow. Scaling Digital Supply Chain CapabilitiesAfter a first round of experiments, leading companies are scaling the most viable digital supply chain solutions in factories, warehouses and corporate back offices. While automation is most common in manufacturing and logistics, there has also been an explosion in digital customer service. This includes RPA in the order-to-cash cycle and the use of trained artificial intelligence (AI) customer service chatbots that customers may mistake for a human, due to their use of natural language.Moving to Circular Supply Chain DesignsLeading companies have changed their mindset when it comes to environmental sustainability. Advanced supply chains now take a life cycle-based approach to understand the total impact of products and operations across the value chain.'There are many reasons why companies are pursuing these so-called 'circular economy' strategies,' said Aronow. 'We often see an altruistic desire to do what's best for the environment and society, combined with a commercial desire for continued differentiation in competitive markets. As a result, some companies are now recycling and repurposing old parts in new products and extending the life cycle of existing equipment, as part of broader circular business strategies.' Gartner clients can read more in 'The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2018.'The Supply Chain Top 25 rankings comprise two main components: business performance and opinion. Business performance in the form of public financial and CSR data provides a view into how companies have performed in the past, while the opinion component offers an eye to future potential and reflects leadership in the supply chain community. These two components are combined into a total composite score. About the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 Gartner analysts derive a master list of companies from a combination of the Fortune Global 500 and the Forbes Global 2000. In an effort to maintain the list of companies evaluated at a manageable level, a general annual revenue threshold of $12 billion has been applied.Gartner analysts are providing additional analysis and information on supply chain trends at the Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conferences taking place through today in Phoenix and September 23-25 in London. Follow news and updates from the events on social media using #GartnerSCC.

Published on 2018-05-19 22:55


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