
Sweeper 这家伙很懒,还没有设置简介

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External  库外 "Comprehensive signage for delivery drivers in multiple languages 是否有司机多语言标识" Comprehensive signage for visitors  是否有访问者多语言标识 Separate routes for trucks and pedestrians  是否有人车分离 Staff cars parked away from warehouse exits  是否有非营运车辆远离仓库出口停车场 Is there disabled access into the building? 无关人员是否禁止进入仓库 Perimeter fencing in good order  是否有库外围栏 Security gates/barriers in good working order  是否有安保设施 External ground in good condition 库外地面 是否有完好 Exterior lighting is sufficient and in good order 是否有 库外照明 LPG Gas and diesel for MHE kept in suitably safe and secure area  是否有燃气及油品存放在安全区域 Are broken pallets and defective equipment stored safely and away from the main building?  是否有破损托盘和设备不存放在主建筑内 Vehicle speeds are controlled 叉车速度受控 Is there sufficient space for goods vehicle parking? 有无空间供车辆停靠 Sufficient turning space for all types of vehicles 有无空间供所有类型车辆调头 Internal  库内 Personnel Security checks on entry and exit 是否有出入安检措施 All exits are secure 所有出口是否有安检 Visitors and attendance books available for inspection and accurate 访客是否有登记,考勤是否完备可查 Visitors are given safety briefing/instructions 访客是否进行安全培训 Visitors are escorted at all times 访客是否有陪同 Is there disabled access into the warehouse? 无权限人员是否禁止入库 Intruder alarm systems installed and inspected regularly 防盗警报系统是否安装,并定期检查 Stock adequately protected from theft and pilferage 是否有防陨 Is the building, including the roof, wind- and watertight? 建筑是否防风防水? Is the floor surface in good condition (clean and dry)? 库内地面干净吗? Is the floor capable of taking the weight of the storage medium and load in terms of point loading?  是否有库内地面承重处理 Sufficient doors for volume of traffic entering and leaving the warehouse 是否有足够的门供进出 Warehouse is clean and tidy 仓库 是否干净整洁 Documented cleaning schedule in place 库内清洁 是否有计划性 Adequate pest control in place 防治虫鼠吗? Teams given responsibility for cleanliness of own areas 是否有片区清洁责任制 Exits clearly lit, marked and obstruction free  是否有出口灯光明亮,标示清楚,无障碍物 Adequate number of personnel exit doors  是否有出口足够 Fire escapes, fire doors clearly marked  是否有防火通道,防火门有明显标志 Are there sufficient fire doors?  有足够的防火门吗? Are fire doors obstruction free? 防火门是否通畅? Fire protection system in place, eg sprinklers  是否有完善防火设施,如喷淋 Fire alarms are tested weekly 火警装置是否每周是否测试 Fire alarm drills are carried out periodically 是否定期进行火警演习 Fire extinguishers and water hoses clearly marked 灭火器和水管是否有明显标志 Escape routes clearly marked and obstruction free 逃生路线是否标示清楚并无障 Doors and windows are fitted with safety glass 门窗装是否有安全玻璃 Sufficient space between rack ends and external walls 货架与外墙是否留有空间 No smoking signs clearly visible 禁烟标示是否清晰可见 Safety equipment regularly inspected, checked and maintained 安全设备是否定期检查、检查和维护 First aid boxes provided and fully stocked 急救箱是否配置 Eye wash facilities available 洗眼设施是否提供 Named and suitably trained first aiders 是否指定并训练有素的急救员 At least one first aider per 50 staff 是否每50人配备了1位急救员 Lighting is sufficient in each section 照明是否充足 Sufficient natural light available 自然光是否充足 Eco lighting used 是否使用绿色生态照明 Lights are switched off when area not in use 未使用区域是否关闭照明 Clerestory windows and roof lights cleaned regularly 天窗和楼顶照明是否定期清洁 Is there sufficient emergency lighting 是否有应急照明 provided in areas where staff are at risk? 是否有避难区 Is the air quality acceptable? 空气质量是否良好 Is there an audible alarm to detect unsafe areas with poor ventilation? 当通风不良的不安全地区被探测到,是否有可听见的警报? Is the noise at an acceptable level? 噪音水平是否可接受? Is the temperature conducive to working? 温度是否有利于工作? Are there sufficient, visible thermometers? 是否有温度计量设备 Are battery-charging areas marked adequately and clear of obstruction? 电池充电区域是否有足够的标志,并且无障碍物? Trucks recharged in a well-ventilated and risk-free area 充电区域是否通风良好、无危险 Is there suitable safety information signage at the battery-charge area? 电池充电区是否有合适的安全信息标牌? Are tools and packing materials stored in their designated areas? 工具和包装材料是否存放在指定区域? Racking condition is checked regularly and reported 是否定期检查货架状况并报告 Racking is independently inspected regularly  是否有第三方定期检查货架 Are there any broken or collapsing pallets in the racking? 货架上有破损或压坏的托盘吗? Are there any overhanging pallets in the racks? 货架上未完全放进的突出的托盘吗? Weight capacity visible on the end of the racks 在货架头上是否有重量标识 Waste receptacles at the end of each aisle 在每个通道头是否有的收集废物的容器 Are racking legs protected? 货架脚是否有防护 Aisles are sufficiently wide for MHE 通道是否足够宽供设备使用 Aisles are obstruction free 通道是否畅通无阻 Are there handrails and guards on stairways? 楼梯上有扶手和保护吗? Are office areas, canteens and rest areas clean and tidy? 办公区、用餐区、休息区是否干净整齐 Washing facilities available for all staff 是否为所有员工提供洗涤设施 Offices well lit, adequately furnished and well spaced 办公室是否光线充足,家具齐全,空间宽敞 Drinking water available and signposted 是否有饮用水供应及标示 Suitable areas provided for food consumption 是否人提供适当的食物消费地区 Accommodation for work clothing made available 是否有提供工作服更衣室 Is every workstation arranged in a suitable manner for staff to work at? 是否以适当方式提供工作站供员工使用? Is 5S (see page 46) utilized within the warehouse? 有5S吗? Are sufficient security measures in place for high value items? 高价值物品是否有足够的保全? Are sufficient safety measures in place for hazardous items? 危险物品是否有足够的安全措施? All electrical items tested (UK PAT test) 所有电器是否通过测试(英国PAT测试) Systems and equipment 系统和设备   Warehouse IT systems 仓库信息系统 Is there a Warehouse Management System in place? 有没有仓储管理系统 Is the system adequate for the current operation? WMS是否适合当前运营需要 Are data backups taken daily and stored off-site? 所有数据是否每天异地备份? Are Display Equipment Regulations adhered to? 是否遵守展示设备规定? Mechanical handling equipment 设备 Staff have correct licence for type of truck operated 使用叉车是否有驾照? Responsible staff trained to operate MHE 设备操作人员是否培训过? Record of safety training kept up to date 安全培训是否一直有记录 MHE is appropriate for the tasks 每项工作是否有合适的设备 MHE is serviced regularly 设备是否可正常使用 A service chart is visible for all MHE 是否有设备去向图表 Service and repair records are kept up to date 设备是否有持续维修记录 Pre-operational daily, weekly and monthly checks are carried out on the equipment and recorded 设备预防性日检、周检、月检是否执行并持续记录? "Inspections carried out on lifting equipment every six months 对起重是否每六个月进行一次健康状识评估?" All defects reported to the employer immediately 设备所有故障是否立马报告 Safe working load limits clearly marked 安全工作负荷界限是否明确标示 Audible signals used when trucks reversing and turning corners 是否有叉车倒车和转弯时的音响信号 Do forklifts travel at safe speeds? 叉车是否以安全速度行驶? Is equipment parked in designated areas when not in use, keys removed and forks lowered? 设备不使用时是否停放在指定区域,钥匙是否取下,叉子是否放下? Contingency planning 应急计划 Documented Contingency Plan in place for: 为以下是否准备了应急计划 Equipment downtime 设备宕机 System downtime 系统宕机 Labour issues 劳动力缺失 Supplier issues 供应商失效 Other emergencies 其它紧急情况 List of emergency contact numbers held and updated 是否持有最新的紧急联络电话一览表 Inbound operation 入库 Inbound processes manual available 是否有入库SOP指导书 Vehicle booking-in system utilized 送货是否有预约 Scheduling of vehicle arrivals 是否为送货车安排入场排程 Pre-notification of goods to be received 是否接收无预约入库 Vehicle immobilized during unloading 卸货是否固定车辆 Delivery drivers given instructions on what to do whilst on site 是否送货司机提供指引 Drivers’ instructions in multiple languages 是否提供多语言入库指引 Instructions for inbound goods handling provided  是否提供入库货物处理说明 Is the dock area clear of stored materials and obstructions? 码头区域是否没有存放物料和障碍物? Sufficient stock of empty pallets available 是否有足够的空托盘? Sufficient space for empty pallet storage  是否有足够的空托盘存放空间? Sufficient space to lay out goods for checking  是否有足够的入库查验空间? Recording of number of pallets received 是否记录接收到的托盘数 Pallet exchange system in place 是否有托盘交换系统 Product quantity and condition check 是否进行入库质检 Log of supplier non-conformance kept, eg incorrect paperwork, quantities, products,condition of goods, condition of packaging , TiHi met, pallet overhang. 是否记录供应商不合格情况,如不正确的文件,数量,产品,货物状况,包装状况,TiHi不对,托盘超放。 Sufficient handling equipment provided 收货设备是否足够 Recording of unloading times (dock to stock time) 是否记录卸货时间 Quarantine area for non-compliance 不合规货品是否有隔离区 Quality control area provided 是否有质检区 All non-conforming stock dealt with quickly 所有不合格品处理是否迅速 Are returned items dealt with immediately? 退货处理是否及时 Put-away and storage 上架存储 System/management directed put-away 系统或受管理指引上编辑器 FIFO stock rotation is followed correctly 是否能正确先进先出 Best-before-date stock is managed 效期管理是否最佳? ABC analysis (see page 80) used for product location 是否进行ABC存储 Location IDs are marked clearly 库位标识是否清晰 Accurate recording of stock location 帐实是否相符 Task-interleaving/dual cycling undertaken – One pallet in, one pallet out) 是否进行任务交叉/双程循(比如叉一个托盘入就拉一个托盘出) Is slotting used effectively (see page 85)? 是否有效利用库位 Random location system used 有没有采用随机存储 Stock transferred between locations based on ABC analysis 是否按ABC分析结果调整库存 Is the cube utilization of locations efficient? 是否充分利用了库位空间 Is location utilization between 80% and 90%? 是否使用了89-90%的库位? Is space usage monitored and action taken to minimize wasted or excess space? 是否对空间使用情况进行监控,并采取措施尽量减少浪费空间? Are part pallets consolidated where feasible? 可行的话,是否合并多个半托? Product tracking in place 是否跟踪库存 Are damaged items promptly identified and dealt with appropriately? 损坏物品是否及时发现并妥善处理? Items do not overhang pallets 货品是否有超出托盘存放 Stock control 库存控制 FIFO rotation is adhered to 先进先出是否执行? Are items stored in the correct location? 所有货品是否存放在正确的库位? Are high-value goods stored securely? 高货值商品是否存放安全区域? Are hazardous items stored under the correct conditions? 危化品是否存放正确? Are non-moving items regularly reviewed, eg FISH (first in still here)? 不宜动库存是否定期检查 Perpetual inventory counting takes place 是否一直在循环盘点? Stock counting accuracy is measured 盘点的准确性是否有标准? Stock counts use the ‘blind’ count method (quantity not revealed to counter) 是否采用盲盘? Errors are investigated thoroughly 是否彻底调查误差? Picking 拣货 Forward pick areas are close to despatch 拣货路线规划的终点是否靠近出货区 Pick locations are replenished efficiently 拣货库位补是否及时? Replenishment does not take place during picking 拣货时是还在补货? Sufficient stock held in each location for each shift 拣货库位上的库存是否足够本班次作业 Items that sell together are located next to each other 一起销售的商品是否彼此相邻 Very similar items are separated 相近是商品是否分开 Fast-moving items are in the most accessible locations 快流商品是否在最易访问库位 Stock is arranged with consideration to product size and weight 库存是否根据产品的尺寸和重量来安排的 Fast-moving items are on middle shelves  快流商品是否在最方便拣货库位 The pick list provides an efficient pick path 拣货任务是否安排最优路线组织? Heavier items are picked first 重货是否先拣? Pick instructions are clear and concise 拣货提示是否清晰和精确? Sufficient scanners/voice units available for the team 是否有足够的扫描或语音拣货设备? Pyramid picking is evident 是否从货物上层开始拣货(金字塔) Pick accuracy is measured and monitored 是否度量拣货准确率? Despatch 发货 Departure times are planned 是否有计划性发运 Sufficient space to lay out despatches 是否足够的空间出库待发区 Products are packed securely and safely 出库商品是否打包完整? Load optimization is apparent 装车是否进行优化 Products are packed to minimize transport costs 包装是否考虑最小化运输成本 Outbound pallets are recorded 出库托盘是否有记录 Other areas 其它 Staff and housekeeping 人员 Does daily and weekly resource planning take place?  是否每周审视资源? Are daily work tasks balanced and prioritized? 任务是否安排优先级和均衡化? Are tasks checked from an ergonomic point of view? 是否从人机工程学的角度考量任务执行? Are resources maximized to avoid idle time? 是否将资源最大化以避免空闲时间? Are activities timed and compared against target? 活动是否定时与目标进行比较? Are activities reviewed regularly? 活动是否定期评审? Are staff trained regularly?员工是否定制培训? Are staff encouraged to suggest improvements? 是否鼓励员工提出改进建议? Are staff uniformed and smart? 员工是否穿着制服,是否聪明? Are staff issued with PPE? 员工是否有个人防护用品? Is PPE adequate for the tasks required? 个人防护用品是否足以应付所需的工作? Warehouse – performance management 仓库绩效管理 Is performance measured? 是否度量仓库绩效 Is there a suite of relevant performance measures? 是否有一套相关的绩效衡量标准? Are performance measures shared with staff and visible in the warehouse?绩效考核是否与员工分享,并在库内公告? Is staff productivity measured? 是否衡量员工的工作效率? Is productivity data shared with staff? 工作效率数据是否与员工分享? Legislative & Health and Safety requirements 法规和健康安全要求 Warehouse Safety Policy Document available for inspection/displayed 仓库安全政策文件是否可供检查/展示 Risk assessments carried out 是否进行风险评估 Risk assessments available for inspection 风险评估是否进行核查 Near miss record book kept 未遂事件是否记录在案 Accident book kept  事件是否记录在案 Accident book kept up to date 事件是否记录在案并持续更新 Manual handling assessment available for inspection 可供检验的手工操作评估 COSHH assessment carried out 是否进行COSHH(健康公害性物质控制)评估 Equipment statutory Inspection Certificates available for inspection 是否有设备法定检验证书可供核查 Waste disposal arrangements in place 是否妥善处理废物 *Following notices displayed: 公告 Employer’s Liability and Public Liability Certificate 雇主责任及公众责任证明书 Health and Safety Information for Employee Regulations 1999 《雇员规例》的健康及安全资料 Health and Safety Policy 健康及安全政策 COSHH information signage COSHH信息标识 Electric shock signage 电击标识 *Staff awareness of following regulations: *有关员工对下列规定的认识: Aware of HSE requirements (UK) 了解HSE要求(英国) Aware of OSHA requirements (USA) 知悉职业安全条例的规定(美国) Health and Safety (Signs & Signals) Regs 1996 健康及安全(标志及信号)法例 Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981《健康及安全(急救)规例 Provision and Use at Work Equipment Regulations (1998) 工作设备的供应及使用规例 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 起重作业和起重设备规程 Display Screen Equipment Regulations (1992) 显示屏设备规例 Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 规管改革(消防安全)令 The Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 污染防治法案 The Environmental Protection Act 1990 环境保护法 The Hazardous Waste Regulations 《危险废物规例》 Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 生产者责任义务(包装废物)规例 Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment Regulations 2007 废电器及电子设备规例

发布于 2019-01-30 14:21


本文由 Sweeper 原创发布于 大董知识库 ,著作权归作者所有。


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2020-05-16 13:12
43禁烟标示是否清晰醒目No smoking signsclearly visible 我管仓库的时候一张禁烟标识也没贴,客人参观时问为什么,我说这是常识……
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