亚马逊第一家无人便利店正式开业 无需现金自动结帐

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亚马逊无人便利店正式开业 无需现金自动结帐
新浪科技01月22日 北京时间1月22日早间消息,经过为期一年多的测试后,亚马逊的免结账杂货店将于本周一面向公众开放,进一步推进这个有望改变实体零售业的项目。 这家位于西雅图的杂货店名为Amazon Go,它依靠摄像头和传感器来追踪消费者从货架上拿走和放回的商品。收银台则变得多余——消费者可以在离店后使用系统中登记的信用卡结账。
对传统杂货店来说,此举标志着这家全球最大零售商向它们发起了又一场颠覆行动。值得注意的是,亚马逊去年才刚刚花费137亿美元收购了高端连锁超市全食超市。由于很多消费者都讨厌排长队结账的购物体验,所以如果一家公司能够消除这样的等待时间,必然可以拥有优势。 亚马逊并未披露是否会在更多地方开设Amazon Go,但该公司重申,他们不准备在规模更大、更复杂的全食超市内增加这项技术。 Amazon Go于2016年12月6日面向亚马逊员工开张测试。亚马逊当时预计可能会在2017年初面向公众开放。 但知情人士表示,该公司遇到了一些挑战,包括如何正确识别体型相似的购物者身份。在测试期间,当儿童被带入店面后,经常会把物品放到错误的地方,引发混乱。 Amazon GO副总裁吉娜·普瑞尼(Gianna Puerini)在接受采访时表示,西雅图的这家店在测试阶段进展顺利,这个都归功于之前4年的相关工作。 这家店面积约为167平方米,想要进入店内购物,首先需要下载Amazon Go智能手机应用,并通过一个验票闸门。进入店内,首先看到的是可以直接食用的午餐食品,接着则能看到肉类和餐具等杂货。有一名亚马逊员工会在红酒和啤酒区检查消费者的身份证。 上方有很多黑色摄像头,货架上还有重量传感器,帮助亚马逊探测究竟是哪些人取走了货物。如果有人拿着商品返回闸门,其关联帐号就会扣费。如果消费者把商品放回货架,亚马逊就会从其虚拟购物车中将商品删除。 除了结账流程外,店内的多数体验都跟常规杂货店相似。尽管一向以动态定价著称,但亚马逊还是在店内使用了传统的印刷价签。(书聿) 英文新闻: ········································································································ Amazon's first checkout-free grocery store opens on Monday Using ‘just walk out’ technology to end queues, Amazon Go fires a warning to the high street Reuters Sun 21 Jan 2018 12.04 ESTLast modified on Sun 21 Jan 2018 17.00 EST View more sharing options Amazon will open its first checkout-free grocery store to the public on Monday, moving forward with an experiment that could dramatically alter bricks-and-mortar retail. The Seattle shop, known as Amazon Go, relies on cameras and sensors to track what shoppers remove from the shelves, and what they put back. Cash registers and checkout lines become superfluous: customers are billed after leaving using a credit card on file. To start shopping, customers must scan an Amazon Go smartphone app and pass through a gated turnstile. Amazon’s first checkout-free grocery story opens in Seattle on Monday If someone passes back through the gates with an item, his or her associated account is charged. If a shopper puts an item back on the shelf, Amazon removes it from his or her virtual cart. For grocers, the shop’s opening heralds another potential disruption at the hands of the world’s largest online retailer, which bought the high-end supermarket chain Whole Foods Market last year for $13.7bn (£9.9bn). Amazon did not discuss if or when it would add more Go locations, and reiterated that it had no plans to add the technology to the larger and more complex Whole Foods stores. The convenience-style shop opened to Amazon employees in December 2016 in a test phase. At the time, the company said it expected members of the public could begin using the store in early 2017. According to a person familiar with the matter, there have been problems. These included correctly identifying shoppers with similar body types, the source said. When children were brought into the shop during the trial, they caused havoc by moving items. Gianna Puerini, vice-president of Amazon Go, said the store worked very well throughout the test phase, thanks to four years of legwork. “This technology didn’t exist,” she said. “It was really advancing the state of the art of computer vision and machine learning.”

发布于 2018-01-22 08:48


本文由 felix 原创发布于 大董知识库 ,著作权归作者所有。


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2018-01-26 10:29
为什么Amazon Go使用摄像头和计算机视觉而不是用物品上RFID标签呢? 对于这个问题,一名网友表示,最重要的原因是,Amazon Go不是真正的商店,而是一个可转售的服务。也 就是说,如果此举成功,亚马逊将试图以转售亚马逊网络服务同样的方式,为用户提供7-11商店内的购物 体猃。这意味着他们需要为7-11提供服务,而不用其采用新的流程和硬件。
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