Receiving may begin with advance notification of the arrival of goods. This allows the warehouse to schedule receipt and unloading to coo¨rdinate efficiently with other activities within the warehouse. It is not unusual for warehouses to schedule trucks to within 30-minute time indows.
Once the product has arrived, it is unloaded and possibly staged for put away. It is likely to be scanned to register its arrival so that ownership is assumed, payments dispatched, and so that it is known to be available to fulfill customer demand. Product will be inspected and any exceptions noted, such as damage, incorrect counts, wrong descriptions, and so on.
Product typically arrives in larger units, such as pallets, from upstream and so labor requirements are not usually great. (However, mixed pallets may need to be broken out into separate cartons; and loose cartons may need to be palletized for storage.) All-in- all, receiving accounts for only about 10% of operating costs in a typical distribution center [21, 22]—and RFID is expected to further reduce this.
1 回答
收货可以从ASN到货通知开始。 这使得仓库能够提前进行收货和卸货的安排,并与仓库内的其他作业进行有效的协调。仓库按30分钟的时间窗口来安排货车的到货,这并不帘见。
一旦货品到达,它将被卸载,并按照上架需求堆码好。 它很可能会被扫描以登记它的到达,这样就可以达成物权转移,进入支付流程,这样就可以把它当作可用库库,用它来满足客户的需求。对货品进行清点,登录任何意外情况,如损坏,错误的数量,错误的描述,等等。
产品通常以较大的单元从上游送达,比如整托,因此劳动力需求通常不是很大。 (当然,多货品混托的可能需要分开放到各自的容器中;散箱货品可能需要用托盘来码放。)总之,在一个典型的配送中心,收货只占总运营成本的10%[21,22],而RFID有望进一步降低这一比例。