
共 68 讨论,7天新增 1 个讨论,30天新增 2 个讨论

Stan.ZhangStan.Zhang 回复了问题 6 天前
felixfelix 发起了提问 2024-08-27 13:59
Boscov’s Department Stores DC makes gains from new sortation, controls and software plus racked order processing area.By...
A complete modernization of the sortation and conveyance at Boscov’s DC, along with updated software and a new order pro...
A complete modernization of the sortation and conveyance at Boscov’s DC, along with updated software and a new order pro...
felixfelix 发起了提问 2024-06-14 11:04
felixfelix 发起了提问 2024-05-21 09:22
felixfelix 发起了提问 2024-05-21 09:16
felixfelix 发起了提问 2024-05-21 09:11
LANCASTER, Texas, Feb. 6, 2023 – Walmart is hiring up to 500 associates, including Asset Protection, Systems and Mainten...
沃尔玛宣布,它正在扩大与Symbotic的交易,并计划在未来至少8年内将Symbotic的系统投放到其所有42个区域配送中心。The transformation of Walmart’s distribution network cont...
转自 DSC数字化供应链引言在当今瞬息万变的商业环境中,供应链的效率与韧性备受考验。面对不断攀升的客户期望和日益激烈的市场竞争,企业必须审时度势,因时而变。智能化、自动化正以前所未有的速度重塑着供应链的方方面面,尤其是对于供应链系统中的核心...
felixfelix 发起了提问 2024-04-15 13:48
By Roberto Michel April 11, 2024根据沃尔玛今天发布的一篇博客文章,经过16个月的概念验证,零售巨头沃尔玛将在其四个高科技DC推出福克斯机器人公司的19辆无人驾驶叉车。在沃尔玛6020配送中心总经理Mauric...
ColesRedbank, Queensland, AustraliaSIZE: 710,000 square feet (66,000 square meters)SKUS: 18,500GOODS HANDLED: Ambient gr...

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