
felix This guy is lazy,Introduction has not been set

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您的仓库有多好?How Well Does Your Warehouse Work?   上周我的文章中发布了一项探索工作场所福祉与生产力之间关系的新调查。委托该研究的公司是一家照明公司,该公司热衷于证明良好的现代照明与仓库员工的健康,警觉和生产力之间是否存在联系。 它的调查结果要到春天才能知道,但我们确实知道这个行业的劳动力流动率远高于平均水平,所以任何有助于保持员工敬业度和满足感的事情都应该受到欢迎。 挽留住员工,尤其是年轻员工,对于像拣货这样的重复劳动可能是一个真正的挑战。使其更具吸引力的一种方法是为员工配备他们熟悉的技术和装备,就是他们在家中经常使用的那种技术。当然,我在这里指的是Android。 它熟悉的界面快速上手且易于使用,工人可以在几小时内学会,而不是几天。通过在一次扫描中捕获多个条形码,新的Android触摸屏设备可以帮助操作者全速工作。他们的拍照功能可以帮助记录反馈的状况,或者将增强现实投放在触手可及的范围内。 像Zebra那样的移动Android设备坚固耐用,并且包括热插拔电池和快速充电等功能,使工作人员能够保持生产力。让我们不要忘记迁移到Android的更紧迫的理由; 微软将从2020年开始终止其Windows支持。 数字化供应链使其更准确,更高效和更具成本效益对我而言似乎合乎逻辑,但我们从研究中得知约有55%的公司仍然使用笔和纸来管理全渠道物流。   虽然这对本地工人来说可能没问题,但对于构​​成近四分之一仓库工作人员的移民而言,这并不是那么好。理解语言和写下来的内容不仅会影响作业效率,还会增加员工的压力和流失率。采用语音识别设备可以提供帮助,特别是多语言设备,因为它们可以补充面对面培训,并使工人能够用他们的母语选择订单。 早在2015年,霍尼韦尔和YouGov声称,到2020年,法国,德国,英国和美国的十分之九的配送中心运营商有望采用新的移动设备和语音指导技术。据了解,这项技术将提高仓库的职业安全和福祉。 现在,我没有关于采用率的数据,但是我们认为我们距离这些数字还有很长的路要走。事实上,我很沮丧地认为,虽然半数组织认为供应链数字化是他们的三大优先事项之一,但大多数仍在努力让项目超出测试阶段(86%)。 进一步的研究*似乎会回应这一点。供应链高管可能已经强调了关键的技术颠覆者,但在实际投资方面采取观望态度。下一代技术正在作为测试来实施,以确定其投资回报率而不是全面推广。  虽然这是可以理解的,但传统的移动操作系统和绿屏应用程序是在电子商务存在之前开发的。他们无法处理今天的订单量,交货时间或安全威胁。对于公司的可持续性或其雇用的员工而言,坐在后面不是一种选择。 摘自:Renovotec,是英国增长最快的坚固移动硬件供应商; 以及提供端到端管理和咨询服务,无线网络,企业移动,移动数据采集,打印和硬件租赁解决方案。   *资料来源:Zebra实现愿景研究的未来 *资料来源:数字供应链缺失的环节,凯捷研究所   A new survey exploring the connection between workplace wellbeing and productivity appeared last week in my newsfeed. The company commissioning the study was a lighting company keen to establish if there’s a link between good, modern lighting and the health, alertness and productivity of warehouse staff.  Its findings won’t be known until Spring but one thing we do know for sure about this sector is that workforce turnover is far higher than average so anything that helps keep staff engaged and fulfilled has to be welcomed. Retaining staff, especially a younger workforce, is a real challenge when jobs like picking can be repetitive. One way to make it more appealing is by equipping staff with technology that they’re familiar with, the sort they use in the home. Of course, I’m talking here about Android. Its familiar interface is fast and easy to use and workers can get up to speed in hours as opposed to days. New Android touchscreen devices can help operations work at full speed, by capturing multiple barcodes in one scan. And their camera technology can help record the condition of returns, or put augmented reality within reach.  Mobile Android devices like those from Zebra are rugged, and include features like hot swap batteries and fast charging that enable workers to maintain productivity. And let’s not forget the more pressing reason to migrate to Android; Microsoft is ending its Windows support from 2020. Digitising the supply chain to make it more accurate, more productive and more cost effective seems logical to me yet we know from studies* that 55% of organisations still use pen and paper to manage omnichannel logistics.   Now while that may be fine for native workers it’s not so good for the migrants that make up nearly a quarter of warehouse operatives. Understanding the language and what’s written down can not only affect productivity but also add to employee stress and churn. Adopting voice recognition devices can help, especially multilingual ones, as they can complement face to face training as well enable workers to pick orders in their native tongue. Back in 2015, Honeywell and YouGov claimed that by 2020, nine in ten distribution centre operators across France, Germany, the UK and US expected to adopt new mobile devices and voice direction technology. It was seen that this technology would enhance occupational safety and wellbeing in warehouses.  Now, I’ve got no figures on adoption rates but reckon we’re a long way off those numbers. Indeed I was quite depressed to read† that while half of organisations consider supply chain digitisation to be one of their top three priorities, most are still struggling to get projects beyond the test stage (86%). And further research* would seem to echo this. Supply chain executives might have highlighted the key technology disruptors but are taking a wait and see approach when it comes to actually investing. Next-gen technologies are being implemented more as tests to determine their ROI rather than full scale roll-out.  And while this is understandable, legacy mobile operating systems and green screen applications were developed before ecommerce existed. They just cannot handle today’s order volumes, delivery times or security threats. Sitting back is not an option, for either the sustainability of the company or the staff it employs.

Published on 2019-02-28 18:16


This document is written by felix Original published on 大董知识库 ,The copyright belongs to the author。

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